Digital Outreach

  • Mass email. MoveOn wrote the book on my watch as CEO.
  • Mass text. Created campaigns reaching up to 5 million people.  
  • Social media. Building audiences and communities.
  • Digital ad campaigns. Google and Facebook.
  • Raised $25 million in online gifts.

It’s so easy to go wrong in digital communications. Are you writing in a dry, impersonal voice? Sending newsletters? Burying your message under fancy graphics no normal person would use? How are people responding?

I’ve helped the CEO’s and top leaders of major organizations including the Sierra Club, the Clinton Foundation, Vote Solar, J Street, and Free Speech for People get out of their own way — replacing stilted, boring prose with warm, personal messages focusing on just one idea at a time.

The method is simple and it works. Your results will improve as your audience starts to listen & respond instead of tuning you out.

MoveOn showed the world how to do digital, using email.

At Contest Every Race, we applied the lessons of MoveOn to text messaging and built a massively successful organization from scratch, texting 5 million microtargeted Americans and recruiting 5,000 regular people to run for local elected office.

Whether you’re using email, text messaging, social media, or digital ads, the principles are the same: keep your message warm and crisp. Build a narrative over time to cultivate your audience via a ladder of engagement. Give people easy ways to take action.

Let’s put these principles to work for you.