
  • Digital – $25 million raised online.
  • Foundations – 6 figure grants totaling $1.3 million.
  • Major gifts – 5 and 6 figure gifts totaling $500k.
  • Corporate giving – from firms including Toyota.
  • Service contracts – totaling $520k.
  • Startup angel investments – totaling $350k.
  • Annual campaigns – up +40% to +300% YOY.
  • AI – leveraging the latest tools.
  • Board recruitment & development.

MoveOn wrote the book on digital fundraising on my watch as CEO there.  Since then I’ve helped dozens of clients use technology effectively to raise the money they need.  (Spoiler alert: the key is an authentic, human voice.)  A few examples:

Crafted year-end digital campaigns for the William J. Clinton Foundation, raising $1.2 million in online gifts.

Helped startup companies including Thrive Market raise more than $350,000, identifying investors, making introductions, and helping CEO’s create winning pitches. 

Designed and executed digital fundraisers for Verified Voting Foundation, tripling its results year-over-year.

Created and ran a multi-channel campaign for La Peña Cultural Center, combining email, web, video, paper mail, and in-person meetings, increasing gifts by 40% vs. the previous year. 

Pitched and closed $520,000 in partner service contracts and raised $310,000 in major gifts, including two six-figure gifts, while building the Contest Every Race program.

Mentored the CEO’s of Sierra Club, Vote Solar, Earth Day Network, Free Speech for People, J Street, and numerous other companies and organizations in digital communications and fundraising.