PR & Media

  • Generating news stories.
  • Placing your spokespeople in the news.
  • Securing high profile feature interviews. 
  • Op-Eds: writing & placing guest columns.
News coverage is one of the best ways to reach your natural audience, spread your message, and accelerate your impact.

But it’s not as simple as just telling journalists what you do and leaving it up to them to cover you.

Reporters and editors need to feel that your story is newsworthy — that it’s part of current news trends or that it breaks new ground. They need to see it as an event in time, not merely an ongoing project. They need to know their audience will care. And they need it spoon-fed to them in easy bites.

Over thirty-plus years, I’ve generated hundreds of national news stories. I’ve placed quotes in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press, and the San Francisco Chronicle, and been interviewed on Fox News during prime time.

Here’s an Op-Ed I wrote that was published in newspapers nationwide including the Miami Herald, Las Vegas Sun, Louisville Courier-Journal, Los Angeles Daily News, Anchorage Daily News, Providence Journal, and many other outlets.